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Une 3e édition de Mutants & Masterminds arrive cet autom

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Inscrit le: 26 Nov 2009
Messages: 185
Localisation: Paris

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 13, 2010 8:27 pm    Sujet du message: Une 3e édition de Mutants & Masterminds arrive cet autom Répondre en citant

Je redoutais que ça n'arrive un jour...bonne ou mauvaise nouvelle ? si Green Ronin fait comme pour ses derniers produits, nous devrions avoir régulièrement des extraits et des teasers...

Green Ronin to Release Mutants & Masterinds Third Edition


Classic Superhero RPG Gets New Edition This Fall

May 12, 2010--SEATTLE, WA: Green Ronin Publishing announced today that it is releasing a new edition of its critically acclaimed Mutants & Masterminds roleplaying game in the fall.

"We've had five years of feedback from one of the most active fanbases in roleplaying gaming," said Green Ronin President Chris Pramas. "Once we knew we'd be doing the DC ADVENTURES game, it just made sense to take that feedback and use it create the next iteration of the game."

Mutants & Masterminds debuted in 2002 and was an instant hit. A second edition followed in 2005 and in the ensuing years Green Ronin has released over 25 support books for the game. The third edition builds on these releases and evolves the rules.

"Our goal has been to make Mutants & Masterminds an even better game," said lead designer Steve Kenson. "We worked to simplify some elements of the system and fix known issues, while retaining the flexibility and fast-paced play fans have enjoyed."

"Mutants & Masterminds third edition and DC ADVENTURES share a common rule set," added Pramas, "and books from one line are compatible with the other."

The action begins this fall with the release of the Mutants & Masterminds Hero's Handbook. This full color core rulebook contains all the rules needed to play the game. More information and previews about Mutants & Masterminds third edition will appear on www.greenronin.com and www.mutantsandmasterminds.com in the coming months.

About Green Ronin Publishing
Green Ronin Publishing is a Seattle-based company known for its dedication to quality books and games. Founded in 2000, Green Ronin has won more awards for excellence and innovation than any other game company in the new millennium, and took home the coveted ENnie Award for Best Publisher an unprecedented three years running. With great licenses like Dragon Age and A Song of Ice and Fire, groundbreaking games like Mutants & Masterminds and Blue Rose, and a roster of top flight designers and illustrators, Green Ronin Publishing is a leading light in the hobby game industry.
Posted by SassyRonin at 9:11 AM

Par ailleurs un jeu va sortir qui exploitera la licence DC Comics et n'aura pas besoin des regles de M&M normalement.

Green Ronin to Release DC Adventures RPG Books


Game Industry Leader Signs Licensing Deal with DC Comics

May 3, 2010--SEATTLE, WA and NEW YORK, NEW YORK: Green Ronin Publishing announced today that it has signed a licensing agreement with DC Comics and will be releasing the DC ADVENTURES RPG book this August. The game is based on Green Ronin's Mutants & Masterminds, the leading super-hero RPG in the tabletop gaming world.

"It is DC's 75th anniversary this year and I'm delighted we can help celebrate it by bringing the DC Universe back to the roleplaying hobby," said Green Ronin President Chris Pramas. "The team-up of the DCU and the creators behind Mutants & Masterminds will create an unstoppable force of great gaming!"

The DC ADVENTURES game will consist of four books, each done in full color and beautifully illustrated by top comic artists. The line launches in August with the DC ADVENTURES Hero's Handbook. Following it will be Heroes & Villains, Volume 1 in the fall. Then 2011 will see the release of Heroes & Villains, Volume 2 and DC ADVENTURES: Universe.

More information and previews of the DC Adventures line will appear on www.greenronin.com and www.mutantsandmasterminds.com in the coming months.

About Green Ronin Publishing
Green Ronin Publishing is a Seattle-based company known for its dedication to quality books and games. Founded in 2000, Green Ronin has won more awards for excellence and innovation than any other game company in the new millennium, and took home the coveted ENnie Award for Best Publisher an unprecedented three years running. With great licenses like Dragon Age and A Song of Ice and Fire, groundbreaking games like Mutants & Masterminds and Blue Rose, and a roster of top flight designers and illustrators, Green Ronin Publishing is a leading light in the hobby game industry.

About DC Comics
DC Comics, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company, is the largest English-language publisher of comics in the world and home to such iconic characters as Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and the Sandman. These DC Super Heroes and others have starred in comic books, movies, television series (both animated and live-action) and cyberspace, thrilling audiences of all ages for generations. DC Comics' Web site is located at www.dccomics.com.

Green Ronin, Mutants & Masterminds, and their associated logos are trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing.

The DC Universe and all related characters and elements are trademarks of DC Comics © 2010. All Rights Reserved.
Posted by SassyRonin at 8:12 AM

I am the Law !
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